my name is Tess and I've been breeding and
showing cats for 4 years now.
I started when I was only 14, so my Mum and I were
partners until I was able to branch out on my own.
My previous prefix was
Dolce Gattini, and you can still see the old
website along with
Glendoon, which was Mum's.
My new prefix is TNT, I'm thrilled to be able to
have this as it is simple and to the point.
I'm fortunate enough to have fantastic cats with
amazing Pedigrees, and I am looking forward to
seeing what comes of this breeding program. Mum is
obviously still Mum, so she will help me as I've
just started Uni, and my study takes up a lot of
I will be breeding to better what I already have,
and mostly find great pet homes for kittens, but
from time to time will sell to a breeder and or show
I also have another baby, my dog Ruby. She
appears in the odd photo from time to time, as she
likes to be the centre of attention, although she
does love the cats. See.....

Ruby and TNT Pretty Flash

More of Ruby